Perception of a moment
It’s your individual perception of a specific moment that can be the what reduces your ability….
What do I mean by this?
Well we all perceive things differently. This is based on our upbringing, the relationships and experiences we’ve had, the head space we’re in at that particular moment. Its based on our unique version of the world, our values and our beliefs.
If someone tells your “you’re very confident” on a good day we can take that as a compliment, feel charged and empowered by it…..on a bad day it can send us spiralling into self doubt “what did they mean by that” “am I being too pushy” “do I come across as being arrogant”. Once we’re in a bad head space our ability is automatically reduced not matter what the task ahead is.
How you view and incident, an experience effects how you react to it.
Is there something that has happened to you recently, or even from long ago, that if you had viewed it differently in that moment would have changed the outcome to a more positive one?
Being conscious of ourselves in as many moments as possible, being conscious of our head space, our perception, why we’re perceiving something in a certain way will ultimately lead you to a more balance and happier life.