Wellbeing in the Workplace

Wellbeing in the workplace…

Combat stress in the workplace, and show your employees that you are invested in their wellbeing. 

Our 90 minute workshops give teams the tools they need to effectively manage work related stress and anxiety.
Using my vast skills and knowledge I will help them to identify negative patterns and behaviours, and teach fast and effective techniques to alleviate them.

You will be left with happier and healthier employees giving you increased productivity and profitability and creating a harmonious work enviroment.

The worshops are suitable for indivduals and teams and can be specifically customised to enhance your company’s unique vision and purpose.

Relaxed worker

Wellbeing in the workplace…..
Meditation/ Breathwork Sessions

Science has now proven that meditation can physically alter the structure of your brain, giving a range of benefits:

 *enhances self awareness   
* controls anxiety
* reduces stress
*lengthens attention span  
*promotes emotional health
*improves sleep

I offer 30min/40min/1hr sessions that can be done before work, during your lunch hour, or after work. These can be booked weekly/monthly/periodically.

Employees will benefit on a physical and mental level, feeling supported and enriched within the workspace. This will also become an attractive bonus when looking to recruit new staff members.

Talk to us about how we can help…

Client Testimonials

Amy delivered a supercharged Wellbeing in the Workplace workshop at our office a few weeks ago. It was really productive for us all, Amy shared many interesting techniques to help us deal with situations that can arise in the work environment. She had us drawing, and sharing our feelings, at the end we all felt so much more relaxed, in control of our emotions and connected.
Many of the techniques that Amy shared have been useful for all three of us ever since the workshop – things that we can use over and over again to get us through those tricky situations, calm our nerves and give us a clear focus when the skies are cloudy.
Throughout the session, Amy was professional, understanding and really calming, it was a pleasure to work with her and we would recommend this for any company that wants to give their team some support in the workplace.

Bev Howard
Bev Howard

ActionCoach Southport

For any responsible employer, wellbeing in the workplace should be a priority. We were delighted to invite Amy into our office to work with our team. 
She helped us to put in place some fantastic coping strategies to overcome stress, and despite some initial wariness she really helped each team member to genuinely engage and connect with the activities. 
Amy is a really special person. She’s got this energy and light that draws you in. She instantly puts you at ease, and has everyone in the room smiling. Everyone felt very comfortable with her.
She’s not too ‘holistic’ for the cynics out there, though. She utilises a range of proven techniques and established methods in her work.
We absolutely loved the session, and will definitely ask Amy to do further work with us!

Sarah Jackson
Sarah Jackson

Hatter’s Digital Agency